王利民2018-06-08 13:11:56

Another 3-0, Another Challenge, Another Chance
by Limin Wang
June 8, 2018

The Cavaliers once again, trailed 0-3 to the Warriors in the 2018 NBA Finals. Well, last year, the Cavs had Kyrie Irving, but still lost by 1-4 to the KD-FMVPed Warriors. Wow, this year, so many fake media and fake fans think the Cavs should have been done way earlier, but the Cavs are still in the Finals. So, RIDE ON THE CURRENT, and RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. Many Cavs had demonstrated those in the past three games. Just take the rest as an extremely thrilling battle of four games to become the first team to overcome a 0-3 deficit in the NBA Finals history.

The previous three games were close. It's a weird thing that the Cavs sometimes, particularly in the second half, and further particularly in the fourth quarter, appeared to forget the ONE-ON-ONE defense and the COORDINATED offense and offensive rebound. For instance, in Game 3, many times a Warrior was on the loose. No individual Warriors player is superb. The Warriors' only advantage is they function as a 16-player team much better. Therefore, breaking them into individuals is key to win over them. On the Cavs' offense, many times the other Cavs were pretty much standing idle around the perimeter while LeBron was dribbling on the arch. If the Cavs move a lot more often through the painted area intending to attack, assist, or rebound, the Warriors will be in the serious jeopardy. The Warriors were the first team to have a 73-win in regular season and a 3-1 lead in NBA Finals in 2016, but their permanent damage was awarded by the Cavs that year. In that year, Kevin Durant suffered a 3-1 lead overcome too.






Giantfan2018-06-08 13:58:53
Limin Wang's calling out "fake media" & "fake fans"? Oh yeah
王利民2018-06-08 18:17:10
Cavs won bigger, after falling behind 1-3.