mangoman2022-01-26 23:23:14

国际足联主席Gianni Infantino 周三颇有争议地表示,改变足球赛程(世界杯每两年举行一次)可能会降低非洲人冒着在地中海死亡而迁移到欧洲的风险

Fifa president Gianni Infantino controversially suggested on Wednesday that changes to football’s calendar might make Africans less likely to migrate to Europe and risk death in the Mediterranean Sea.

The leader of football’s world governing body spoke in support of his organisation’s calendar reforms, which include plans for biennial World Cups, at the Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg

He said the proposals were vital to give the football world outside of Europe hope, adding: “We need to give hope to Africans so they don’t need to cross the Mediterranean in order to find, maybe, a better life but more probably death in the sea.

永远老李2022-01-27 00:59:27
Redcheetah2022-01-27 08:39:28
every month
nuanhe2022-01-27 09:58:45
Everyday. 像练晨跑一样!