summer_time2022-05-22 16:11:32
summer_time2022-05-22 16:13:17
Q: Why can't you get a cup of tea at Manchester Stadium?。。。。
summer_time2022-05-22 16:15:11
Q: What is the difference between Liverpool and a cup of tea
summer_time2022-05-22 16:20:42
K! 利物浦防守大将老范竟然不在场上!。。。。
summer_time2022-05-22 16:24:39
Yes, Mane。。。 1 :1 .。。。。
summer_time2022-05-22 16:29:55
Aston villa is doing the best holding so far 。。。。~~~~~~
summer_time2022-05-22 16:37:44
Wow! Aston Villa 1 :0 。。。。。