我们去过三次Everglades,觉得最好花一天时间玩,在flamingo center 租船,跟野生动物有个近距离接触。最少3,4个小时,那就走走royal plam的anhinga trail 吧。
Everglades National Park,大沼泽地国家公园,是 美国 本土最大的亚热带野生动物保护地,是 美国 第三大国家公园,联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产,辽阔的沼泽地、壮观的松树林和星罗棋布的红树林为无数野生动物提供了安居之地。这里是美国本土上最大的亚热带野生动物保护地。红树(Mangrove)有很强的耐力,能在咸水环境生存。它多分支的根部强而有力,能伸入水下并固定树干。多亏它的根,岸边的小石块及泥沙得以被固定而不致被潮水冲失。也因此很多小岛得以存在而不致流失。$25 a car for 7 days, 大沼泽地国家公园非常大,也有很多可以徒步的小径。
Ernest F. Coe Visitot Center这里会有一些科普教育,动物标本,公园地图,当然还有卫生间和卖纪念品的,书,冰箱贴,t-shirt和poster
然后继续沿9336开,就到了royal palm visitor center,这里有Anhinga Trail。 Anhinga Trail, 0.8 miles, 鳄鱼挺多的,还看到俩个小宝宝。 Wading birds, cormorants, Purple Gallinules, and nesting Anhingas along the path anytime of the day during the winter (dry) season。小径维护得很好,在沼泽上面搭了桥,可以一路走下去。一路全是风景,到处都是动物, 鳄鱼,乌龟,鱼和鸟。走走停停,拍拍看看
Gumbo limbo trail:
Pa -hay- okee overlook, 0.2 mi le, 看到好多鸟,
West lake Trail,0.4 mile, 这个景点的栈桥就是被飓风摧毁了的,看起来特别的颓废,不过别有一番韵味。红树林,水里看到了蛇。
Flamingo Visitor's Center,租双人划船32*2,两小时,船穿行于河流入海口处纵横交织的红树林间,远远地看看潮泥滩上栖息啄食的禽鸟。游客中心外的游船码头还有海牛出没,不容错过。比那种坐“草上飞”Airboat在湿地公园外面转一圈要强太多了.遇到一家人, 他们划了8天船,
You can see a variety of shorebirds such as a variety of heron species (including both morphs of the Great Blue Heron), egrets, and white ibis. Rare birds such as the mangrove cuckoo, brown pelican, and white crowned pigeon have made appearances here. Magnificent frigate birds, osprey, gulls, and terns can be seen soaring high above. Pausing to listen, you may spy by song or sight, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers, and more! The west Indian manatee and North American crocodile have also been known to make a rare appearance along the mangrove shoreline and during our Paddle Birding experience.
这里是海水,所以这里的鳄鱼是crocodile, 红色是我们的浆,看看它离我们有多近呀
Eco pond,0.5 mile, for birding, Wading birds, American Coots, Osprey, White-crowned Pigeons, warblers, Red-shouldered Hawks, Anhingas, rails, Painted Buntings and other transients are best viewed here in the morning. 就是蚊子太多。
出口不远的路上去网红店Robert is here 有各种口味,比如草莓口味,木瓜的奶昔,和鲜榨甘蔗汁。
Florida City,homestead有不少饭店,解决吃饭问题,比如Texas road house,超市aldi ,买些苹果,橘子,香蕉等。
Shark Valley Visitor Center,可以 做TRAM,