越王剑2022-03-19 02:59:20

Medical debts will be removed from credit report. Paid collection or collection not made to credit reports will be removed (usually stay for 7 years).

Not sure if credit score would be much higher because of this or not. I would think it will.




徒劳2022-03-19 03:33:43
“Unpaid medical debts of less than $500 will be removed”。
守月2022-03-19 03:35:49
老胖妞爱小肥羊2022-03-19 04:12:46
加州前一阵子又有提案,不许曾经的犯罪记录上credit report.
pangpangxiongxiong2022-03-19 04:15:38
我也是,没付医疗帐单是小事情,如果有landlord collection,就不可接受
DD20202022-03-19 13:01:00
对于medical bill and divorce 引起的信用下降,我选择无视。