阿里2010-02-11 06:07:36
Without telling you
Decided to cut my thinking on you

Still my eyes are looking at you
Still my smiles are brightening for you

Always being lonely
Always being wondering
Always being searching
Always being forward-looking

Still smiling to you
Still watching on you
With my changed heart
With my same eyes

You cannot tell
My heart is working so hard
To stop thinking of you

  • 新年不要叫老公,老婆的,多俗啊!
  • 临近节日内心总是充满爱情 / 女生们,你们要知道这个原理
  • 做爱就要像没人在底下或上面
  • 竹七文中的性描写让我想起高尔基的海燕
  • 人,就是要最大胆地,最不健康地去爱!
  • 驭风而行2010-02-11 10:15:21