努力学习1232010-05-15 08:46:07

The Government cannot go on ignoring the importance of strong families.

They provide the stability, warmth and love which children need to flourish, and the relationships they foster are the bedrock on which society is built.--理解万岁

We are determined to give parents more of the help they need and make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe.-- 各个公司能配合么?一般打官司,ET要看是否有BUSINESS REASONS

A Conservative government will:

Work to improve Sure Start and increase the services provided in Children’s Centres across the country;-- 好决定,AT WHAT AND WHOSE COST?

Provide 4,200 extra Sure Start health visitors so parents can get the expert help they need;-- HEALTH VISITORS目前服务是不错的。再加数量不知道什么原因。

Introduce a new system of flexible parental leave so parents can share maternity leave between them or both take time off simultaneously; -- 争议是最大的。这个政策是听着好听,实际上是对父母职业生涯最大的一个绊脚石。

Extend the right to request flexible working to every parent with a child under the age of eighteen; --REQUEST,不等于公司必须给。找到BUSINESS REASONS拒绝REQUEST简直易如反掌,因此对家长的帮助没有。

and ensure that the government leads from the front by extending the right to request flexible working to all those in the public sector, recognising that this may need to be done in stages; ---- PUBLIC SECTOR如果再增加FLEXI的话,就不用给大家服务了。

Recognise marriage and civil partnerships in the tax system, bringing us into line with other major European countries and making 4 million couples up to £150 per year better off; -- 该把绿卡婚姻提到议事日程上来嘎嘎

Open a new generation of good, small schools with smaller classes and top-quality teachers; -- 没必要非得小CLASS,俺小学中学班级全60多人,培养竞争与合作意识

Support pensioners by re-linking the basic state pension to earnings, and protecting things like the winter fuel payment, free bus passes and free TV licences; ---俺没权评论。

Work with local councils to freeze Council Tax for two years; ---- 无所谓,都已经太高了,狮子多了不怕咬

Reform the administration of tax credits to reduce fraud and overpayments, which hit the poorest families hardest; ---- TAX CREDIT也没几镑钱,其实政府的大花费是每个孩子每个星期的20镑(无论父母穷富每个孩子都有)。现在看来保守党没敢动家长这部分的福利。

Help make childcare more affordable by supporting the provision of free nursery care for pre-school children and reviewing the way the childcare industry is regulated and funded; ---- 工党推行的3岁以上儿童每天2.5小时免费幼儿园(TERM TIME),用简单的话说,每年家长节省幼儿园费1200镑(FULL TIME幼儿园费的10%左右)。这个要取消的话,富人无所谓,对穷人是重大打击,对中产是非常不乐意但是可以接受。

Provide more information and advice for parents and put funding for relationship counselling on a more stable long-term footing; ----没评论。

Review family law in order to look at how best to provide greater access rights to non-resident parents and grandparents; ---- 如果父母正常工作在英国交税,有没有英国籍都不应该影响孩子的权利

Help reverse the commercialisation of childhood, by clamping down on inappropriate advertising to children and letting teachers ban advertising and vending machines in schools. ----绝对需要立即执行

These policies will give families a fairer deal and ensure that more children get the stable upbringing they need. Together, they mean we have by far the most family-friendly manifesto of any party standing at this election.
franckleo2010-05-15 10:00:11
新首相基本忽视单身人士的利益,vending machine应该提倡
马来人2010-05-15 12:51:32