女儿的毕业典礼是7月15日上午在 Barbican Centre 举行的。大厅中灯火辉煌,气氛十分庄严。医学毕业生们身穿的黑色毕业礼服镶有紫色的披带,帽沿下一双双兴奋的眼睛既有成人的自信、也有孩童的稚气。想到数日后这些毕业生就会作为医生为人治病疗伤了,真替他们高兴、同时也有些担心。
I pledge myself and promise:
· that I will exercise the art and science of Medicine to the best of my powers and in accord with the laws of honour and probity;
· that I will work for the benefit of all, whosoever shall seek my service, without distinction between great and small, rich and poor, youth and age, or good and bad;
· that I will hold my knowledge in trust for the benefit of the common weal;
· that I will remember the example of my teachers who have given me this knowledge and give to those that follow me the gift of knowledge which I have myself received;
· and whatever I shall hear in the lives of others, so be it improper to disclose, that I will not disclose.