sure2012-01-04 10:26:37

that is " disk defragment" . i do it twice a is so simple and so effective.
there are three ways to do can choose one of them.

1, start-----type  "defrag"------disk defragmenter.

2.start ----- programes----------disk defragmenter.

3,control panel------------------disk defragmenter.


to you ,it may not be new. to me, it is so helpful. but bear in mind , it may take a few hours to finish though.i did it before going to bed.


大灰狼太太2012-01-04 11:04:44
It is very useful indeed
东风飘2012-01-04 11:37:08
thank you. I'll try cos my computer so slowly now.
板凳球迷2012-01-04 15:14:00
Thanks, buddy. I will definitely try