nanjingreninuk2013-04-06 11:13:16

1/ 9月开学的都是每年3月填报名表?

No, the application starts from previous year November to the current year January.

For instance, a child is supposed to go to Reception/Year 1 in September 2013, the application window opens from November 2012 and closes in January 2013.



You do not have to live in a school's catchment area in order to apply for a place at that school. You also do not have to apply for a school just because you live in its catchment area.

However, you need to ask yourself a question,” Why people want to send their children to a school out of catchment?” The answer is most probably because of its reputation and higher position in the league table. Therefore, such schools tend to be oversubscribed even by catchment areas residents. So your child will be put on waiting list, amongst waiting list candidates, it generally follows the rules but could vary from different local authorities: first come first served; are any other siblings in the school? Religious? (Church of England School could consider this).

You’d be better to check the website of local authority that you are preparing to buy house/or the intended school. You can find more useful information there.


Hope it helps.

梦随风万里2013-04-08 07:14:42