Tree1002014-10-06 10:17:02
We used the Sun free tickets, so they were free in a way.
Hired a Q-bot for £15 and £8 for the 4D film, Laser Raider and Boat riding.
QBot is a must have, hardly queued. Some places you just need to wave it to the people work there.
Got the parking online too.

We brought our own picnic and a flask of hot tea - best decision.
The food there is very expensive, a hotdog is £4, and a cup  of tea is £2.5.
We spent about £40 totally.

When we first got in, we were a bit disoriented but soon got the hang of things.
It is getting quiet by 5:00.
My son is just about 0.9m, he got on quite a few rides. When he is taller over 1m, he'll have  even more fun.
Legolandis a great place for toddlers.

We'll participate in the Sun's free Legoland ticket event again.
无法弄2014-10-10 23:08:45
centralline2014-10-11 04:45:08