三河匹夫2022-07-31 15:12:53

Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company, has been decelerating its recruiting efforts. Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai told employees this month that—although the business added 10,000 Googlers in the second quarter—it will be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year and prioritizing engineering and technical talent. “Like all companies, we’re not immune to economic headwinds,” he said. The hiring pause is part of that slowdown, Google said, “to enable teams to prioritize their roles and hiring plans for the rest of the year.” It had nearly 164,000 employees at the end of March.

田园景色12302022-07-31 15:23:12
招人优先SWE, 裁人优先PM
眼镜2022-07-31 15:37:30
谷哥这次财报应该是B的得分。但是大家关注的广告收入比预想的好,并没有像脸书,snap 这样的公司广告收入那么惨淡。
人言可畏2022-07-31 16:46:53
Intern 招人是否也减少?上半年也听到几个match不上的例子。
田园景色12302022-07-31 17:21:12
俺大学同学的娃,滑铁卢CS,五月被谷歌毁约summer intern
人言可畏2022-07-31 19:40:30
我听说的不是毁约而是match不上,等同于没有intern offer。不太理解这种操作。
田园景色12302022-07-31 20:25:27
Match 阶段早就结束了,哪里要等到五月?