win963852741 的文章
[] 请问父母将在广州美国移民面试,要在哪里交费? (移民面试)
win963852741 2015-12-04 20:25:12
[] 父母人在国内移民美国 we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the D
win963852741 2014-11-06 18:21:25
[] 如何给GC父母的小孩搞旅行证
win963852741 2009-12-11 08:30:04
[] online shopping cart software大甩卖
win963852741 2009-12-08 14:42:08
[] 有现金20万想创业,对网页编程和会计都很熟悉,请问干什么好?
win963852741 2009-12-08 10:02:41
[] 请问如果被美国公司派回中国长期工作,GC是否可以保留?
win963852741 2009-08-05 20:01:07
[] 求阻止FLASH.EXE接受Inbound traffic 的办法.万分感谢
win963852741 2009-07-05 09:46:14
[] Great news for people live in Texas
win963852741 2008-11-26 08:56:01
[] I believe TSC is speeding up to approve 485 cases
win963852741 2008-08-04 12:02:14
[] 绿。EB2. PD:OCT 2005 RD:June 2007 AD:Aug 2 2008
win963852741 2008-08-04 07:45:15
[] Unofficial August 2008 Visa Bulletin
win963852741 2008-07-11 07:14:43
[] pjiang, Can you write an article explainning SOC?
win963852741 2008-06-10 10:58:14
[] USCIS planning to extend EAD for two-years end of this month
win963852741 2008-06-10 10:41:03
[] H-1B vs. EAD – some thoughts-by Ron Gotcher
win963852741 2008-06-04 18:39:12
[] 国会西裔集团全力阻止EB类使用以前未用完的绿卡名额
win963852741 2008-05-14 22:56:54
[] DOS's response to why they allocate more EB2 visa numbers to ind
win963852741 2008-04-30 20:44:12
[] Rumors about VB
win963852741 2008-04-08 07:27:38
[] 2008 H-1B Cap Numbers Winners by Company
win963852741 2008-04-02 22:01:27
[] how can we sue mother f@cker DOS?
win963852741 2008-03-13 19:57:25
[] PJ, can eb2 aos work as a contractor in the same field
win963852741 2008-02-26 18:47:42
[] 请问EB类AOS状态下可以邀请父母过来探亲吗?
win963852741 2008-02-16 11:03:17
[] 美国公民遭美驱逐
win963852741 2008-01-29 17:13:14
[] WORKING版大爆料啦,有关律师
win963852741 2008-01-27 11:41:09
[] 回国的第一天:交钱、抽血、挨骂(zt)
win963852741 2007-12-02 19:50:43
[] Check Delays问题是否将被解决?
win963852741 2007-11-29 21:09:55
[] 福建人如何偷渡过来的?
win963852741 2007-11-20 09:15:15
[] 请问有2003年1月1日前的EB2到现在还没有拿到绿卡的吗?
win963852741 2007-11-14 15:28:08
[] H-1B申請費調漲法案胎死腹中
win963852741 2007-11-05 10:10:35