天外飞砖2009-04-22 02:06:33
NSW Government accused by farmers of taxing rain that falls in dams


April 21, 2009 12:20pm
Revenue drop ... a farm dam on the NSW north coast, which the taxman might be looking at greedily

THE cash-strapped New South Wales Government is so desperate it has begun taxing rain.

It has been accused of stooping to new lows by slugging rural property owners with a new charge for rainwater that gathers in their dams, according to a report in The Central Coast Express Advocate.

Darren Smith owns a large tract of land at Peats Ridge presently leased out as a chicken farm.

When Mr Smith received his dam licence renewal, he was shocked to receive an extra water usage bill for $60. This was on top of his licence renewal fee.

It was a new charge by the Department of Water and Energy for “unregulated river system management costs”.

“How can they tax me for water that falls from the sky?” Mr Smith asked.

“There’s no meter. It’s an unfair tax - it’s outrageous.”


Daily Telegraph has been telling us for ages, this state government has no means to be in government because they are incompetent to run a chicken shed.

Posted by: stratten of Strathfield,NSW 6:27pm today
Comment 66 of 66
Can't wait for Rudd and his cronies to be voted off the island !

Posted by: Brad of Surry Hills 6:19pm today
Comment 65 of 66
Dont worrk folks, Kevin Rudd will save us! HA! the country is heading towards more debt than NSW! Go Labor....NOT!

Posted by: paul of sydney 5:22pm today
Comment 64 of 66
If you look at such UN documents as Agenda 21 that most of our governments (local, state and Federal) blindly follow you will find many of the policies now being forced down our throats. Total control of natural resources is one of their many aims. The rain that falls on your roof can under UN Agenda 21 be taxed. Now that Australia is borrowing vast amounts of money (created out of thin air) from the IMF many more conditions will be placed on our Education, environment and taxation policies. It is called Tyranny. Wake up Australia. We are being taken over by private central banks.

Posted by: Simon of Australia being taken over by the IMF 4:04pm today
Comment 63 of 66
Victorian farmers have been paying for dams - and this has led to most farmers only keeping one or two- as it meant $100 per dam when the tax was introduced 10+ years ago. All this did was stop water storage and made the drought more severe in the bush- THANKYOU TAXES

Posted by: Caroline 3:56pm today
Comment 62 of 66
Have any of you seen movie at www.TheCorporation.com - Sounds scarily similar.

Posted by: Quoll of Adelaide 3:53pm today
Comment 61 of 66
if this goes through you can bet that the people with water tanks will be next, and don't think it will stop there, what about the spring fed dams or billabongs or swamp area's that are on peoples property.......if this was not so serious it would be funny

Posted by: Shirl of northern nsw 3:43pm today
Comment 60 of 66
If you live in SA, and have or are thinking about getting a water tank, you should probably remember this if/when storm water harvesting is introduced.

Posted by: PumpkinEater of Adelaide 3:39pm today
Comment 59 of 66
serves them right for taking the rebate.

Posted by: Sam 3:38pm today
Comment 58 of 66
A story based on the allegations of one farmer and the opinion of one liberal parliamentarian. Can we verify the facts before jumping to conclusions?

Posted by: Mat of NSW 3:38pm today
Comment 57 of 66
Labor = Tax if you didn't know! STOP VOTING FOR THEM STUPID PEOPLE!!!

Posted by: Michael 3:37pm today
Comment 56 of 66
you must just refuse to pay it how can they turn it off ? but everyone refuse

Posted by: alan heritage of melbourne 3:32pm today
Comment 55 of 66
http://www.green-agenda.com/globalrevolution.html In this document (written in the 1970's) they outline how they will use global warming as a method to control the population. This is a MAJOR government think tank - an NGO foundation that advises the government. Also look up the "FABIAN" society, and just see if Kevin Rudd is a member...or has ever made a speech for them....just have a look....

Posted by: KK of Bris 3:27pm today
Comment 54 of 66
To Ray - Comment 22 of 30 - If the farmer has no river or stream to pump the water from where do you think he or she will get the water to sustain ther crops? Our farmers are having enough problems with the drought then comes along Labour government, bunch of w@nker$. Why tax the farmer who's tring to help himself?

Posted by: Anthony 3:24pm today
Comment 53 of 66
Much the same over here - the SA Govt charges a clandestine tax called the Save the Murray Levy or something equally unfknblvbl and then does precisely NOTHING about saving the Murray. Or anything else.

Posted by: tony of Pooraka 3:23pm today
Comment 52 of 66
It is simply further proof that govts in Australia really dont give 2 hoots about the severe water shortages in this nation by going down these revenue paths to punish farmers for essentially being proactively water conservative/sustainable. It also makes a pure mockery of these govt/consumer funded Savewater campaigns were all forced to be under. If govts were serious about water, then we wouldve seen heavily subsidised water tanks in peoples homes & businesses as currently all that rainwater is simply going to waste but instead their cunning plan to also try & tax water tanks & rain shows clearly where their loyalties lie. Its exactly like the electricity/energy shortage in not taking advantage of all those bare roofs of homes and buildings for subsidised photovoltaic installations with mains grid connect inverters to feed power back in the grid, easing shortages instead purporting dangerous nuclear options. To those farmers, rise up in protest and get rid of this self interest, money hungry govt as they forgot to act in the national interest a very long time ago

Posted by: Johnno Rocket of Melbourne VIC 3:21pm today
Comment 51 of 66
How much for hail and snow? Do I get a conversion to water discount?

Posted by: First Geoff of Sydney 3:21pm today
Comment 50 of 66
This NSW Labour Government appears to have gone "Rogue". They are making up their own rules as they go, which is in direct conflict with that of the National Labour Party such as privatisation of Government Departments, breaking away of Union ties but to name a few. The NSW Labour Government has turned its back on all of its election promises, the residents of NSW and its own party's policies. It looks as though Rees and his Puppet Master Joe Tripodi have really screwed things up. Was it any wonder that Iemma left when he did, he probably saw all of this coming. That is one thing with politicians, you can't trust any of them, not even the honest ones!

Posted by: Mat of Far Western NSW 3:19pm today
Comment 49 of 66
Dont forget people it is a capitalist society we live in so get used to it.

Posted by: Sam of Melbourne 3:17pm today
Comment 48 of 66
This needs to be challenged in court and challenged now. This has serious ramifications as to land values and a whole host of other legal issues. Of course there needs to be a balance to prevent water for natural rivers and waterways being store and denying down streem users from a basic need.

Posted by: KJB of ADELAIDE 3:17pm today
Comment 47 of 66
Yes the additional tax is just money grabbing - but why do farmers have to pay licence fees for their land dams in the first case?

Posted by: Patricek of P. Perth 3:12pm today
Comment 46 of 66
they will say they are taxing you for holding water which should be running into streams and rivers .. sigh

Posted by: Greg of Perth 3:11pm today
Comment 45 of 66
lol sucked in labour voters, and you thought thisgovt was honest lol by the way this legislation came through last year

Posted by: jackie 3:11pm today
Comment 44 of 66
Hands up if you were one of the clowns who voted these jokers back in? I've got a cricket bat what I'd like to introduce to your buttocks

Posted by: Matt of Newcastle 3:10pm today
Comment 43 of 66
Just more evidence of why it's time to get rid of state governments. Can anyone seriously put up an argument as to why they should still exist?

Posted by: Papa Doc 3:08pm today
Comment 42 of 66
i point the blame square on the shoulders of the labor voters - shame, shame, shame

Posted by: Mike of Perth 3:08pm today
Comment 41 of 66
sit down, shut up, pay the tax and don't complain. That's what they want us to do

Posted by: John of bri*****ane 3:07pm today
Comment 40 of 66
WOW that is appauling of the government. One would think that there would be incentives for farmers maintaining own water supplies, not be penalised for it!!

Posted by: GG of Perth 3:05pm today
Comment 39 of 66
Don't forget that in bush-fire season, the water-dumping helicopters are free to steal water from any dam they like, and no re-embursement is offered. Thus, just because the government has taxed you for free water from the sky, doesn't mean you get to use the water for yourself. You can imagine what's going to happen when they start taxing sunshine. The size of your property will determine how much "potential sunlight" it can absorb, and you'll be taxed on that. The government will still be entitled to be sky-scrapers around your property that completely block out the sun, but that won't decrease your "potential sunshine" tax.

Posted by: man of melb 3:04pm today
Comment 38 of 66
Geez...I'll be rushing out to inform the council next time I want to dig a dam......

Posted by: Eric of Sydney 3:04pm today
Comment 37 of 66
i guess labore know they're going to finally get booted after being at the trough too long so they may as well tax whatever they can. what next? a tax for puffy directing pants? maybe they should tax themselves for stupidity

Posted by: travis of sydney - the moronic state 3:03pm today
Comment 36 of 66
The NSW State Government should stop subsidising other states, then we would note be so taxed strapped. Funny how most of the GST made in NSW does not stay within the state. All other states & territories should have to pay NSW a management fee back dated the past few decades.

Posted by: Justin of Sydney 3:03pm today
Comment 35 of 66
You might say in jest that we will be taxed the oxygen that we breathe, well not quite. Ever heard of the carbon tax ? What do we do with oxygen ? Create CO2. But don't tell the pollies they will want to tax us for emitting a greenhouse gas. Does this example in the story not show that government has obviously grown far too much that they are taxing us on literally anything they can think of. Its a crazy situation we find ourselves in now.

Posted by: steve 3:03pm today
Comment 34 of 66
I'm not surprised, the amount of government waste and inflation that is about to happen has all been engineered - search The Predictions of Robert Welch from 1974 and you can see that even he knew what was to come with uncanny accuracy.

Posted by: Just the facts mame of Melbourne 3:03pm today
Comment 33 of 66
Not surprising, if you see how the Labor NSW government has been trying to raise revenue on the roads through the police, this won't be a shock at all. On Monday they were sitting in a blocked off turn lane(next to Mowbray road which is also a T3, when they people found out they couldn't turn left, the cops were sitting just behind the sign and pinging these unsuspecting motorists for driving in a T3..

Posted by: Ryan... of Sydney... 3:03pm today
Comment 32 of 66
come on people its the labour govt. they will steal as much as they can and then leave the f%$&ed up country to another party to fix when they are voted out. Look at history people

Posted by: jackie 3:03pm today
Comment 31 of 66
Another Labor Government business intitative I see. Don't encourage Anna Bligh to do this. She's already got us into enough economic "dramas" as it is inclduing the Traveston Dam project and the the list goes on!

Posted by: Rambo of Cairns 3:02pm today
Comment 30 of 66
What a joke!! Pfft...just try and charge me for something you DON'T own, you bloody d!ckheads!! There will be a legal battle on your hands.!

Posted by: just try me... 3:02pm today
Comment 29 of 66
Remember the incentives to get a water tank? Get ready to be taxed on that too. It will come.

Posted by: Duncan of Old Bar 3:01pm today
Comment 28 of 66
Seriously, just build a dam and don't mention it to the councils. I wouldn't pay them a cent.

Posted by: James 3:00pm today
Comment 27 of 66
a new level of greed indeed. people should protest this tax. unfair for those who try their best to go green and manage their own water supply. filters cost money pollies!

Posted by: Dante 3:00pm today
Comment 26 of 66
Don't laugh the sky is the limit with these darlings. I seem to recall there was once a tax on windows - we are probably heading there again. By the way these morons cannot usually think of these things themselves - check what is happening in the UK for what's around the corner - be fearful.

Posted by: kernuf of Bri*****ane 2:55pm today
Comment 25 of 66
Sue @ 2:46pm, your too late, oxygen you breath already has taxes indirectly attached to it, 'environment' taxes on any energy source, eg fuel, gas, electricity i'd say count as "air" tax.

Posted by: The last free man of City 17 2:55pm today
Comment 24 of 66
Why not tax the farmers, rural Australia has the best services in Australia and they can obviously afford it. -Excellent Health Care system, with new hospitals all over the state and plenty health care professionals. -Top notch road network that puts safety first. -Cheap High speed broadband and wide mobile coverage. When are people going to realise that west of the great divide is a third world contry?

Posted by: Farmer B of Cowra 2:53pm today
Comment 23 of 66
If we all put dams on our land, there will be no water left flowing into the rivers. I can understand the tax although I disagree with it.

Posted by: Brad of Melbourne 2:52pm today
Comment 22 of 66
Solution is easy. Just refuse to pay it. What can they do? Put 1000's of farmers in jail?

Posted by: ben 2:50pm today
Comment 21 of 66
Think about it, if all rainwater was dammed then there would be NO RUN OFF, an environmental problem in itself

Posted by: Ray 2:48pm today
Comment 20 of 66

Posted by: Josh of Sydney 2:47pm today
Comment 19 of 66
You have got to be kidding!!! What next, oxygen to breathe with???

Posted by: Sue 2:46pm today
Comment 18 of 66
how long before we get a tax on the air that we breathe?

Posted by: Quidam of NSW 2:45pm today
Comment 17 of 66
To quote George Harrison/Beatles..... If you drive a car I'll tax the street If you try to sit I'll tax your seat If you get too cold I'll tax the heat If you take a walk I'll tax your feet 'Cause I'm the taxman... And you're working for no one but me

Posted by: Dennis of Sydney 2:44pm today
Comment 16 of 66
Get used to it. After the Governements sell off all the assets that make money to their mates, they will have nothing left to get taxes with. So they'll need to fleece you in other ways. Look at what councils are doing already.

Posted by: Glenn of canberra 2:40pm today
Comment 15 of 66
How will this TAX benefit our farmers. IT WONT, so dont pay for it and let them know the reason why

Posted by: klynch 2:37pm today
Comment 14 of 66
Well see, that water would otherwise flow into creeks and rivers and serve the needs of the environment better and the communities down the river. Along comes Farmer Joe, who builds his dam, some of which can be huge (see the dams on the cotton farms in QLD and how they drained the Murray) and next thing you know the rest of us have a problem.

Posted by: Billy Boy of Perth 2:35pm today
Comment 13 of 66
The solution is easy. He can charge the water corporation $1 million dollars a year, indexed at CPI, to provide the infrastructure to store this water they are taxing him for collecting & storing to use as he see's fit. If they want to charge me for water i collect in my tanks, i'll be sending them a bill for the infrastructure that will amount to $1 million a year, indexed at CPI. Either they will back off & let me be or they will owe me a lot of money!

Posted by: Waiting for the water company to bill me! of Australia 2:34pm today
Comment 12 of 66
We need to vote these idiots out of office, enough is enough!

Posted by: Dr.Dingo of the Outback 2:28pm today
Comment 11 of 66
This tax discourages sustainable living, is anti-environment, greedy and hurts the already hurting. Whoever came up with this idea is scum personified.

Posted by: Ben of sydney 2:27pm today
Comment 10 of 66
Here is the government trying to get everyone to put a tank in their back yard to save water and now they are taxing us for filling it. Whoever the minister is,should het a life and look at other ways to raise dollars instead of hitting us out in the bush for something is 'gods work' and NOT ours

Posted by: Peter from the Bush of Central west NSW..Gods country 2:27pm today
Comment 9 of 66
This is an absolute disgrace. What's next, the air we breathe?

Posted by: Kevin Muscat of Hollowvictory 2:26pm today
Comment 8 of 66
What are the bureaucrats upto - don't they know you have to demonise a minority before you impose the restrictions on them. We all know these farmers (I mean) rich farmers persecute the poor little fluffy bunnies and deprive the children of our groundwater. Will no one think of the children! Typical government BS - Management fee means "You have money, we want some too - so hand over!"

Posted by: The Other Martin of Perth 2:25pm today
Comment 7 of 66
i can see the purpose of government charging them for the "rainwater". If everyone starts building his own dam, there will be no water flowing back into the river.

Posted by: JT of Syd 2:22pm today
Comment 6 of 66
Won't take longer to introduce tax for sun light

Posted by: Nishan of Sydney 2:19pm today
Comment 5 of 66
That is ridiculous, when will farmers cut a break? Are they going to start taxing the air their stock breathe?

Posted by: Jim of Adelaide 2:19pm today
Comment 4 of 66
What next, a tax on the air we breathe? A wind tax if you own a windmill? A tax on sunshine perhaps?

Posted by: Brad of Melbourne 2:18pm today
Comment 3 of 66
okay, this is right to be questioned if it's happening, but why did the journalist not talk to the nsw government for a reply. something just doesn't add up here...

Posted by: John of sydney 2:16pm today
Comment 2 of 66
they have been doing this for years in WA... All water in WA is owned by the water corp.

Posted by: ScottW of Perth 2:16pm today
Comment 1 of 66

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