疆独分子上周五在堪培拉示威集会,澳洲绿党领袖Bob Brown出席并发表了演说。
Supporters of the Chinese government swamped Canberra this morning, but the spirit of Free Tibet was written overhead, Australian Greens leader Bob Brown said today.
"Beijing sentiment ruled on the ground, but the spirit of a Free Tibet was written in the sky today," Senator Brown said.
Senator Brown organised a plane to skywrite 'FREE TIBET' over Parliament House during the torch relay.
"The joy of the Chinese students was matched by the tears of the Tibetans," Senator Brown said.
Australia's flag was relegated to the background as Canberra was subject to Beijing overkill.
"Canberra, just like Lhasa, was dominated by communist China's red flag. But the great difference remained that hoisting a Tibetan flag here was not a ticket to jail," Senator Brown said.
"If thousands of Tibetan students go to Beijing to wave their flag at the Olympics in August, they will all end up in jail. I hope the Chinese students in Canberra reflect on that," Senator Brown said.