smallking2010-01-30 23:24:01
than USA. It is better in almost all areas, income, living standards, safety, except weather.
smallking2010-01-30 23:28:39
Avg household income in Canada is almost $100,000 in all
天外飞砖2010-01-30 23:30:52
Who cares?
smallking2010-01-30 23:32:13
come to canada, you will be surprise by weather but also
天外飞砖2010-01-30 23:32:46
smallking2010-01-30 23:33:14
I worked in wall st in USA in 1998 and make $100K USD then, but
天外飞砖2010-01-30 23:33:30
天外飞砖2010-01-30 23:33:57
Enjoy it there then
null_pointer2010-01-30 23:44:07
Canada is such a sh!thole
mr-leaf2010-01-30 23:50:36
Hi, from my experiences. Canada is way better
绝不浪费青春2010-01-31 00:01:59
smallking2010-01-31 00:08:56
aussie girls may be
null_pointer2010-01-31 00:27:21
lol what aussie girls?it must be my ignorance then
ozstar2010-01-31 00:47:27
Maxima072010-01-31 02:25:28
楼主的内容应发到“人在北美” 坛子里,不应是这儿。
smallking2010-01-31 03:36:05
LOL, null pointer = TS, Don't fuxk follow me
null_pointer2010-01-31 04:45:14
lol, TINYbits?
smallking2010-01-31 04:52:36
TS = transexual = null pointer (do not have tha
null_pointer2010-01-31 05:36:15
was that even english HAHAHAAH