IT jobs are in the top 10 occupations experiencing talent shortages in Australia
Of the 407,000 IT Professionals in Australia, include occupations such as Network Managers, Data Communications and Systems Analysts. 239,000 are being tertiary qualifiedthey predominantly,
21.4% were born in Asia, 35,000 were born in India and 13,000 were born in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Australia
IT Professionals tend to work in small to medium enterprises, 1-299 employees (62.5%). 37% work for large companies (300+ employees).
80% of IT Professionals are male.
Over half of IT Professionals are aged 25-39. The median age of an IT Professional is 38 years old.
There are 83,000 women classified as IT Professionals in 2008, this is an increase of 6,000 (or 7.7%) compared to 2007.
On average IT Professionals travel 18kms to work, one kilometre more than the average population.
IT Professionals rely upon their car for transport, 92% of them are drivers. Only 5% have company cars (Company, Family Business or Government Department).
They rarely travel by public transport. In the last 3 months, 32% of IT Professionals have travelled on buses, 48% have travelled by train, 18% have travelled by tram, and 5% have travelled by ferry.
85% Reside on the eastern seaboard and in capital cities