本人正考虑移民奥洲或寻找澳洲工作,看了下面的贴子(特转来),受写打击,但也不确信,但愿该贴不具有普遍性 I immigrated to Australia in 2003. Prior to that I worked in the Korea and Spain for a Multinational Fortune 500 company, reaching a middle management position. On coming to OZ I found my experience and master's degrees were not recognized and I had to work a survival job as a cleaner. Not one to give up easily, I decided to go back to school and went to the University of New South Wales which has one of the top business programs in OZ.I spent 1-2 years studying full time and working nights to get my MBA.I graduated in 2005 and surprise, surprise...still no proper job. I was getting entry-level offer to work in a small car body store as a parts buyer.....my god, that's it. What is sad is I was one of the lucky ones...about 50% of my classmates were unemployed after studying 2 years in this program and spending a lots of $. After 6 months of futile job hunting, I applied for a position in the US and got the offers ( junior management level with usd 70K ). I moved out of OZ in 2006 and now live in Ohio. Australia is a beautiful place, but high-level people here are not so nice and friendly. Also no enough economic opportunity and so if you aspire to anything more than entry level, you hit the glass ceiling of discrimination....you gotta be white, natural born Australian....look at all the CEOs, the Policemen, the Lawyers, the Civil Servants, the high pay Labours.....all Australia needs really is cheap labour to perform lower end job and manual labour so God help you if you're educated and aspire to anything better. Or you could slave and work on survival jobs for years and years and finally get a break and build your career bit by bit. But think of the opportunity cost of this route...you could spend 10 -15 years doing that ...is it really worth it in this globalized economy of today ?
People in the earth seem to think that Australia is a wonderful place but its sad really...so many lives ruined, so much time wasted and in the end so much talent wasted...both the immigrants and Australia loose out in the long run.I wish the system could be changed.