The man who threw a shoe at John Howard on last night's Q&A program said the former prime minister "deserves a lot worse" than having shoes thrown at him.
Hunter Valley man Peter Gray was unapologetic about his actions this morning, telling Newcastle ABC Radio he was angry about Australia's involvement in the Iraq War and he "found the right type of protest" to get his point across.
He did however express "regret" if his actions caused embarrassment to Q&A and its host, Tony Jones.
"I was certainly very frustrated to him [Mr Howard] not responding to the question I put to him," he said.
He also did not answer questions on whether the shoe throwing was premeditated or appropriate.
"I wish ... I didn't feel the need to do something like that'," he said.
"Everyone will make their judgment on whether it was the right thing to do."
Mr Gray said had a great deal of sympathy for Muntazer al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who was jailed for throwing his shoes at former US President George Bush.
"The reason I threw shoes ... [is] because it has significance for all the people on the Middle East and it's the people I want to send a message to."
But while the incident may have captured the nation's attention, Mr Gray confirmed ABC staff refused to return his shoes.
"As soon as I getting of the phone I will be buying another pair of shoes," he said.
Calls for comment have been placed with the ABC.
The incident is still causing debate on Twitter this morning.
NSW Liberal staffer Sam Fairlie-Cuninghame tweeted: ‘’I always suspected the show was a haven for the ignorant and juvenile. Yet another reason to switch off.’’
Another person said: “I for one am happy someone threw their shoes at Howard. It would have been better if it were pie, but you cant win em all.’’
Zerogeewhiz wrote: ‘’Am I the only person who can't stand Howard but also thinks chucking shoes at him is unbelievably tedious? What a pathetic stunt.’’
For Michael Byrnes, last night’s program was one to remember.
‘’In the competition for most controverisal guest on #qanda, John Howard is a shoe-in’’.
Having a pair of shoes thrown at him was ‘‘all in a night’s work’’, Mr Howard said this morning.
‘‘Is anyone here taking their shoes off? I’m looking around,’’ Mr Howard joked during a studio interview with Macquarie Radio.
‘‘All in a night’s work,’’ he added.‘‘I’ve been thrown at by experts so why should I worry about that?’’