winterburry2012-06-09 01:04:17

我的一个同事做过很多著名公司HR的training and development manager。很多我的朋友和网友找他帮助修改简历和interview tips。我们就想干脆组织一个workshop,请他来谈谈大家都关心的话题,以便可以帮到更多的人。全程英语进行。如果你带你的CV来,会给你一些如何修改简历的建议。这完全是自发的,整个活动绝对免费,我们还准备了茶点和精美的巧克力。


how do you win that inteview at the company of your dreams, and then win the role?

For job seekers everywhere, the eternal question is how
to win the interview for the job you want, and then once
you’ve got it, how to make the most of the opportunity. In
this mini-seminar, we’ll demonstrate how to do both.

During this mini-seminar, we’ll touch on the following topics:
 Identifying what you want
 Developing a job search plan
 Uncovering the hidden job market
 Developing brand ‘You’
 How to market yourself to recruiters and companies
 Writing great resumes and CVs
 Winning the interview
 Interview strategies
 Common Questions
 Interview Mistakes to avoid

时间: 2:00 - 4:00pm Saturday 16 Jun 2012
地点: Level 5, 501/76 Burwood Road, Burwood. (离火车站不远)
联系人: Vivien

ActRiot2012-06-09 04:11:58
要去的人必须牢记: 这个世界没有免费午餐。