null_pointer2012-07-23 05:33:57


AUSTRALIA'S budget surplus has evaporated and its mining investment boom has only two years to run, according to Deloitte Access Economics.

The forecast marks a watershed in assessments of Australia's prospects, implying in the words of this morning's Access publication: ''The strong bit of Australia's two-speed economy won't stay strong for more than another two years or so.''

Deloitte Access Economics is Australia's leading private-sector budget forecaster, set up by former Treasury economists in 1988 to provide services to both sides of politics.

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ActRiot2012-07-23 09:03:42
没有Mining Boom之前澳洲经济也还可以。只不过有些畸形产业,比如房地产,会恢复常态
Adobe2012-07-24 04:41:07
军座多虑了! mining 不 boom,还有移民 boom。移民 boom 了,带来地产 boom。