一月份新买2017 Toyota Sienna XLE AWD, 每次开暖气大多时候吹出来的只是冷风。
找到Toyota Service, 当天55度,将车子温度设到自动73度,依然只是冷风。告诉他们与别的车包括以前的Sienna相比,暖气有问题,他们竟然回答:”你只能与 2017 Toyota Sienna 相比。“
Repair Services:
HVAC Assembly - Customer states: when using the automatic feature with the vehicles heating and ventilation system being set to 73 degrees Fahrenheit and the outside temperature reading 55 degrees Fahrenheit the system only blows cold air. Customer feels there is a malfunction with the vehicles HVAC system. Check and advise.
trs---pkd---est $warranty---JOE R Only!!! drop
今天上午9:30将车送去,刚才(下午两点)接到电话,被告知他们又准备将这个车的暖气系统与2017 Toyota Sienna新车相比,言外之意,如果一样就算了。
质问他们:“难道没有行业标准吗?“ 没人回答。