老生长谈2017-07-09 01:52:56

not long ago, i posted the very same topic http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/auto/462073.html.  why i keep doing so?  because i want to remind myself and the fellow rvers paying enough attention to it.  

this afternoon, another tragedy happened.  On Teton Pass, while descending the pass toward Victor, ID, a car that was a few vehicles behind the motorhome smelled hot brakes for quite a ways and then noticed smoke coming from the right rear tires of the motorhome just before they burst into flames. The fire completely gutted the coach. They were apparently not in a low enough gear and relied on the service brakes too much. It looks like a 42-45' with a tag. That pass is a 10% grade, once you get too fast, it's very unforgiving.

Here is a local news report:




1.  at a steep grade like this, for a heavy coach with a weight similar to a tank, just applying service brakes is not enough.  one needs to use the engine brake or exhaust brake, if equipped, with a correct transmission gear.

2.  why service brakes shouldn't be applied for too long?  brakes overheat long enough, wheel seals melt/fail allowing rear carrier lube to make contact with glowing red drum = FIRE.

3.  if you are towing a vehicle, make sure install the supplemental brake to the toad.  cost $$ but save your life and coach.  don't take a chance.

4.  learn downhill driving technique - when your speed is 5 miles above the posted speed, fast brake to 5 mile below the posted speed; release the brake and let coach roll.  repeat.

5. exit to cool if need be.


be safe on the road!!



motorcycle2017-07-10 20:30:03
老生长谈2017-07-10 23:44:48
that's a good idea, but not heard of such a thing in us
老生长谈2017-07-11 03:53:40
update: the driver said he saw the fire started at generator
老生长谈2017-07-12 00:32:04
new video shows up