guest917d2017-11-04 04:34:52

Not careful enough, it was dark, and did not see a car parked at the end of 
my drive way. Scratched deeply on the side, size about half of hand palm. My
car is one year old. What is the best way to fix it?


事后诸葛2017-11-04 05:31:53
Find a local body shop to repair it for u
老九不能走2017-11-04 17:53:19
有很多修理方法, 具体要看Scratch的程度和情况, 上个图看看。
佚木2017-11-04 18:50:28
hello20022017-11-04 20:41:55
jassco2017-11-05 00:17:27
Well, it depends on your standard. You can