别在窗前等我2019-09-29 02:16:37

上个星期换了 234-9014 (Upstream) 没问题,今天换了 Oxygen Sensor 234-4122 (Downstream) 就出现p0141 Powertrain Bank 1 Sensor 2, 我原来的Sensor全部都没出现过error code的, 因为用了这么多年了就想换个新的就出现问题了。请问大家知那里坏了呢?谢谢

amazon也有个买家也出现p0141 error.

我的car 是 2002 Accord LX F23A4 Engine




MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP stay on 20 sec and flash 5 time and gone

O2 sensor and Catalyst Monitor ,EGR System Incomplete

要开10-20分钟就会自动变 Green了

如果停车,turn off.  再开又变红了, 又要开10-20分钟就会自动变 Green了


MoonRiverMe2019-09-29 02:46:27
bushihandyman2019-09-29 03:15:02
呵呵,没错干嘛换sensor2? 换sensor1 还可以理解
hellotom2019-09-29 03:25:02
为什么换down stream sensor 呀?
别在窗前等我2019-09-29 05:31:28
sell and ship by amazon, MPG少, 还有O2 sensor and Catalyst
别在窗前等我2019-09-29 05:36:15
O2 sensor and Catalyst Monitor ,EGR System Incomplete
别在窗前等我2019-09-29 05:37:31
O2 sensor and Catalyst Monitor ,EGR System Incomplete
MoonRiverMe2019-09-29 06:13:29
crz12019-09-29 13:32:25
Buy important parts from dealer(cheaper online) will give you le
hellotom2019-09-29 14:35:53
你之前换up stream sensor时断电池或clear code了吧。之后需要足够的drive cycles 才完成ecm