michaelusa22021-09-10 19:23:35

上周五打足气到 31 psi,一直没开过, 今天用自动打气机(可以设定气压的那种)再次打气,起始气压好象是28psi。看来轮胎问题不大(今天天气比较凉快,可能是个原因)。


thanks again for your time and any input



michaelusa22021-09-10 19:24:46
also using soap spray, no found leaking on valve and exterior li
michaelusa22021-09-10 19:35:07
correct, just having 30 min driving on last weekend after put 31
总要注册2021-09-10 19:42:06
28PSI 太低了, 那18PSI的车, 你的TPM没亮?
michaelusa22021-09-10 19:51:22
old car, no tire pressure warning
michaelusa22021-09-10 19:52:06
the spec is 31 psi on rear tire,
jassco2021-09-10 20:37:01
It is possible there is a rim leak. But you need to
michaelusa22021-09-10 21:12:30
got it, will do, thanks
我胡说八道2021-09-10 23:08:53
michaelusa22021-09-11 00:28:22
I will let shop to handle it
michaelusa22021-09-11 14:26:51
going to buy/install external TMP on tire valve, something like
michaelusa22021-09-11 20:35:09
found good one, cigarette lighter plug, so minimize shield view
chinomango2021-09-13 04:37:42
michaelusa22021-09-13 14:40:30
yes, seems minor issue, will install external TPM on valve