ZoyaWashington2014-12-01 03:01:30
Hey, anyone know how to solve this problem:
V(t)=  -2 + (t2+3t)6/5 –t3  .

Find all values of t in the interval 2<t<4, for which V(t)=2.
相对强度2014-12-01 03:08:12
ZoyaWashington2014-12-01 03:13:54
Any other way that really solve for t with an equation so I can
勿来三2014-12-01 03:22:57
Newton's Method & Linear Approximation
相对强度2014-12-01 03:23:36
NianCaoXi2014-12-01 03:55:21
3.12762994960494 (请自己验算)
NianCaoXi2014-12-01 04:06:09
No liabilities assumed.
ZoyaWashington2014-12-01 07:16:52
多谢大家帮忙,那个math problem总算啃明白拉。