尚文2015-03-03 21:08:23

我曾学过的人文课,比以前graduate school的带劲多了。

经常要写简评,这是其中交上去的一份作业。怎么样,not boring!

"The Wife of Bath" Prologue

Is she to be believed?
The Wife of Bath recounts her five marriages in the Prologue. She establishes herself as an authority on marriage. The Wife's account of herself appears largely to be honest, as she makes little attempt to conceal. But twice in her Prologue, the wife calls attention to her habit of lying. In line 582, she lied to her fifth husband when she met him that she had dreamed that he would kill her as she slept, filling her bed with blood. Then she confides to her listener, all of this was false: she never had such dream. She states in line 382 and 582 that “and al was fals.” These two statements from herself put her entire story on question.

Moore, Andrew R. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale study guide.

最爱口头禅2015-03-03 22:02:04