zhige2016-07-07 15:49:36




This is xxx's daughter, XX.  My father is in the hospital in Chengdu, China.  He is gradually recovering from heart failure and infection of the lung.  He will likely stay in the hospital for anther few days.  Please do not worry.

However, something terrible happened while he was in the hospital, and I felt that I must inform all of you.  Please see below.  

In short, we will never ask to borrow money, please immediately discard any message (pretending to be my father, “英文名” or“中文名 ” asking for money.

昨天和我妈妈一起照相的老爷爷,今天被人骗了145000. 骗子冒充是我爸爸,说需要钱。老爷爷轻信,从银行转了几次钱,之后才问我爸爸。今晚他和两个儿子来见了我爸爸之后,已经报警了。希望能够追回一些钱。

多半是医院里的人听到他们两聊了5个多小时,了解了很多信息。骗子太可怕, 大家都应该注意。

我爸爸给病房里的人传道, 给了他中国和美国的电话。有人用爸爸中国的电话发短信给我,我们都很紧张。

请一定注意,如果有人以XXX 的名义借钱,千万不可回答。