上菜2006-03-22 14:00:24
Hi, All IT Specialists here:

I recorded a conversation with my ex regarding child support/custody issues which is very favorable to me if I present to the court. However, I recorded into a device called Digital Voice Record (a small handheld device bought from Best Buy). It is just not convenient to carry the device to my attorney, to the court or wherever I go, plus how about somebody just grab it and destroy it, I will have no evidence at all.

So my question is : How to convert the recorded conversation into a file, so I can send through attached emails to my attorney or somebody else?

Thanks a lot in advance.
PantyM2006-03-22 23:30:10
Do the following...
redman2006-03-23 10:54:51
Just hook it up with ur PC and download the file to ur hard driv