阿姗2006-05-19 04:44:39
我新买的 ThinkPad Z60m,有 100GB 的硬盘。我把就 laptop 的 data 抄过来,大概只有 20GB。可是 My Computer 上显示我的硬盘已经满了!我查看每个 C: 下的 folders,加起来不到 35GB。是什么占了我的硬盘呀??

打电话去 ThinkPad,那个 tech support 根本不懂,说 my computer 显示是 90GB,就是我已经用了 90GB,问为什么他也不知道,让我把硬盘洗干净重新来。

有什么办法可以查到剩下那 60-70G 的是什么东西?

ppzcgg2006-05-19 04:59:37
XP has System Restore at
阿姗2006-05-19 05:16:58
吃果果你怎么到处都在?:)我看看SystemRestore怎么回事. 谢谢先
阿姗2006-05-19 07:02:47
阿姗2006-05-19 08:37:03
still no space... :(
阿姗2006-05-19 09:56:44
瘦丁丁2006-05-19 11:44:48
阿姗2006-05-19 16:34:54
ppzcgg2006-05-19 17:34:24
That is what I thought. Backing it up Urself is a good idea.
ppzcgg2006-05-19 18:14:03
ppzcgg2006-05-19 19:12:45
not sure if PsPad lists unicode seperately, along side
阿姗2006-05-19 19:27:00
PsPad 只有UTF-8,UTF-16 LE,UTF-16 BE以及其它
ppzcgg2006-05-19 19:37:37
a few other features I can think of
ppzcgg2006-05-19 19:41:04
if you need a notepad replacement, you can use