itismeme2006-06-08 01:01:56
我刚刚UPDATE 我的XP 系统, 升级到SERVIC PACK 2. 重新启动无法LOGON.出现错误信息:

The logon user intgerface DLL msgina.dll failed to load.

winlogon.exe entry point not found. The procedure entry point AssocGetPerceivedType could not be loaded in the dynamic link library: SHLWAPI.DLL

哪位有经验大侠请帮忙指教,如何处理好.现在电脑已经进不去了. 如果从新安装XP, 会把电脑的文件消掉吗? 多谢!
ppzcgg2006-06-08 02:33:04
try these:
itismeme2006-06-08 03:20:10
回复:try these: