nhnh8882006-06-30 17:20:43
前一阵买了个外接硬盘, 将DESKTOP上的近100G传上外接硬盘后, 不知为啥, DESKTOP便变慢了, 特别是启动DESKTOP和再向外接硬盘传输时. 不知有无办法fix? 万分感谢!
nhnh8882006-06-30 20:45:30
many thanks, Nurxl. i have the slowdown problem even
nhnh8882006-06-30 21:36:04
how can i do the checking?
bestwishestoyou2006-07-01 03:27:02
回复:how can i do the checking?
prima2006-07-01 04:55:12
nhnh8882006-07-01 20:42:43
actually, it is my desktop, but i do think
nhnh8882006-07-01 20:43:23
thanks so much, prima. i tried, it still did not work, alas..
prima2006-07-02 04:49:47