Walkingsleeper2006-07-18 20:38:10
One of my PCs broke down out of blue last night.

The symptoms are: black screen of the monitor with the starting-up noise like a cow mooing from the computer. The monitor and the power supply are fine.The PC recently had been working continuously for up to 16 hrs per day.

How to recover it?

Help me!

不同层次2006-07-18 20:59:33
毛主席。2006-07-18 22:07:06
Try to start from a DOS flopy.
Walkingsleeper2006-07-19 00:03:26
Thx. I'll try and I have another PC .Would that helpful to fix t
加州老李2006-07-19 00:52:56
你如何断定"power supply"是好的?
walkingsleeper2006-07-19 01:43:41
回复:你如何断定"power supply"是好的?
鸡毛蒜皮2006-07-19 01:55:07
回复: Could the noise come from HD?
walkingsleeper2006-07-19 02:06:13
When the pc was fine, the noise was much louder
加州老李2006-07-19 02:43:41
不同层次2006-07-19 03:30:57
早说有n多种可能了。你有另一台也没用,会拆装电源吗? 送修吧。
walkingsleeper2006-07-19 03:57:17
flywhc2006-07-19 15:47:29
有可能是cpu或者主板/显示卡风扇坏了,就是那种cow moon的声音