Cielo2006-07-19 18:07:56
My house was broken in yesterday under broad sunlight. The thieves took our Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop computer, LCD TV, etc. I have set a password to access the computer since my 14 year old spent too much time on games so I asked a friend at WXC for help and set a password. So my son can't use the computer without me or my hu*****and typing in the password. Do you think the robber can access my information on the computer? I have my income tax return saved there so I am really afaid they will get our confidential information. Can anyone give me any input on it? Thanks.
By the way, I'd advise everyone here get the alarm system in your house. I have the system but didn't activate it. The robber broke in within just one hour when we were not in.
ppzcgg2006-07-19 18:28:40
unfortunately, it is a definite yes
FotherMucker2006-07-19 18:33:41
I think the first thing pro will do is format C: so dont worry
cielo2006-07-19 19:27:12
How do I encript the info. on PC please? Thanks.
充数2006-07-19 20:12:49
回复:回复:How do I encript the info. on PC please? Thanks.
不同层次2006-07-19 21:01:52
They were not intending to get your laptop, what they will do is
Cielo2006-07-19 21:10:16
I think the thieves are neighbors' garderners. The footprint
不同层次2006-07-19 21:25:52