牧风2006-08-02 07:28:19
http://www.datawm.com/nastocks/webber.zip (java version)
http://www.datawm.com/nastocks/webber.net.zip (.net version)

What is Webber?

Webber is a censorship circumvention solution allowing users to access blocked sites in countries where the Internet is censored. Webber turns a regular home computer into a personal, encrypted server capable of retrieving and displaying web pages anywhere.

Who will use Webber?

Webber operates through networks of trust. There are Webber providers, who install and run the server in an uncensored country and Webber users who login and access the server from a country that censors the Internet. WEBBER users are not required to install any software.

webber 提供的是一个选择, 取舍由人。

webber的服务器在中国以外,没有违法的问题。 国内的人用不用,是自己决定, 什么软件都不用装, 想用就大开浏览器(browser)而已。

有high speed internet connection的人就可以host webber. 理论上可以有成千上万webber hosts, IP 也可以变来变去. webber 服务器和客户之间的通信是加密的. 因此信息封所机构一方既不可能封掉千万个IP, 也不能在加密的 IP 数据包依据关键字截断.

诚然,许多网上信息是有害和偏激的. 然而, 信息垄断则为害更大. 对信息好坏的评价, 最好不搞一言堂,