dongfang2006-08-30 06:08:44
bought a IRM labtop, at the first sight I just felt there was something wrong with the LCD ---- the brightness is different all through the screen --- patch by patch. Finally I called them and the Techician support said that this was a defected one, but the their exchange time limit passed by one day. So I just wonder if it is a severe defect? What can I do with it if it is quite bad problem, just let them to repair? Really feel bad about it!
Grant2006-08-30 06:21:29
any picture?
iamcaibird2006-08-30 06:22:41
Flyboat2006-08-30 06:28:55
错。 说话要讲理,但语句要硬但不能凶
iamcaibird2006-08-30 06:31:55
德州老外2006-08-30 08:25:14