六四后的2006-08-31 23:00:30
before asking u, i googled " remove mmsassist", and followed the instructions. i stopped the "stdservice",closed all IE windows, run full system scan, but symantec did not find anything. Instead, i ran adware scan, it found all the mmsassist related files and registry key values, then i chose to delete of cos, but it did not actually delete those affected files and values, they are still in the where they were. even under programme files, the mmsassit folder and its contents are still unremovable.
can u check and see if u still have this folder in u c drive under programme files?
for me i even run regedit.exe many times search by keywords " mmsassist", i can locate the keys and values, but can only delete those root values, when i tried to delete the whole affected main registry key on the left panel, it causes the regedit to halt, and i have to manually close it using task manager.removing the root valuse won't work, when i check again, they restore.
did u scan using symantec? and did u find anything? i used and i did not find any. scanned with 0 findings.
wonder if there is a small removal tool available so that we can just run that toll and remove it completely?
ohlalala2006-09-01 00:13:54
回复:To ohlalala about mmsassist. Please come in.
六四后的2006-09-01 00:31:12
thanks, brother. reinstall windows takes 40minutes,
ohlalala2006-09-01 00:48:15
Didn't I say how to remove it? :)
六四后的2006-09-01 01:52:20
it did not work, and i dun want to reinstall windows at this pt.