秋旖旎2003-12-05 02:19:00
Add/Remove发现不了这个search bar。今天正在上网,突然跳出警告:“我的电脑被SPY”了。这可怎么办?我的机器是XP。
You are seeing this message, because we have detected that you have tracking software installed in your machine. (more info)

This is not a virus, but a program in your machine that monitors and transmits all of your online activities, and is a serious violation of your privacy.

Below is a link to a free scanner to download that will find and remove all spyware programs on your machine: Get the scanner

goblinclub2003-12-05 05:36:00
You have been told already~~~
野渡2003-12-05 05:40:00
go to system restore to restor