slowinnew2003-12-07 00:23:00
现象: Video Game like Microsoft flight simulator will freeze suddenly. The sound will go on but graphic freeze.

配置: Celeron 2.5 GHz, 768 M ddram, 40G WD hdd,

16 M 3dfx Voodoo 3 v-card, dvd-rm, cdrw.

Window XP home + sp1

I got this V-card 3 years ago. It worked fine with the old 633 MHz PC. All other programs seem to be O.K. Could even watch DVD on the system.

问题:Could this V-card be too slow for the new system? Should I just use the on board V-display?

换个64获128的吧2003-12-07 01:01:00
goblinclub2003-12-07 04:19:00
Voodoo 3 v-card preferred!
CheapGun2003-12-08 03:27:00