PLEASE!!!2003-12-09 03:53:00
My computer may get some virus. It's a Win XP.

First of all, my NORTON ANTIVIRUS was disabled. Whenever I try the live update, there is an error msg.

The next thing: msconfig and regedit are all locked. When I run regedit, the window will show up for several seconds and then it disappear. The same thing for Msconfig

The third thing is that when I right click the mouse, the 'paste' was disabled.

Also my cpu usage is always 100%.

I went to and, but all those update functions do not work.

I am in a big trouble. Would your experts give me some advise? (I tried some online virus search and fould these:
worm_agobot.h affected c:windowssystem32LSAS.exe
BKDR_SDBOT.GEN affected c:windowssystem32svchos1.exe

I deleted LSAS.exe, but I cannot delete svchos1.exe

Would your experts give me some advise?

PLEASE!!!2003-12-09 05:46:00
Desperately looking for help!!
longbow222003-12-10 09:09:00
i can find other solution
PLEASE!!!2003-12-10 17:05:00
Thanks longbow22