zgp482007-01-10 00:19:48
"自由下载" 于 06-12-06 post:
Acrobat8 download:
安装用的Serial Number和破解方法在软件包里。

But, this keygen doesn't really works.
Althouth I can install and works fine within 30 days, it automatically shut down in the 31st day!!!
I really appreciate 自由下载. But anyone know a works version? or another keygen? I want to try.

This trouble troubled me, because I really like it, some function is nice, for example, I can combine multiple "un-bindable" files together...

荆楚农夫2007-01-10 01:33:40
try pdftk, it can combine pdf files
zgp482007-01-10 03:37:55
where can I get it?
荆楚农夫2007-01-10 17:14:29
回复:where can I get it?