圆缘不断2007-01-11 04:29:30
Step 1: original

Step 2:  Convert to black and white (grayscale)

Step 3: Change brightness and contrast so that most subtle details are gone. Want major features to remain.

Step 4: distort it using sprayed stroke

Step 5: use pen sketch filter

Not much to it.  It took me more time to save the image and post it than actually do the processing.
I used Adobe Photoshop, but the same result can be achieved using the opensource software Gimp.
You can download the Gimp software from here:


You want to get this version for easy windows install:  gimp-2.3.12-i586-setup.zip
After install, you will need to manually add the bin path to your environment.  If you are not sure of how to do that, I can help you.
Hope this has been helpful.

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