世纪回首2007-01-17 20:45:43
OS: win98 upgraded to winxp
C drive size: 15GB
C drive partitions: 2 (first=10GB+,installed OS; second=4GB+, empty)

wanted to free that 4GB space for installing larger sofeware on C drive.

can that 4GB patition be deleted without interfering the 10Gb partition and the OS?

SunOfBeach2007-01-17 20:55:43
Pqmagic, gonna be really really slow
asma2007-01-17 21:40:10
try install that sw on 2nd partition
prima2007-01-18 00:14:06
using true Image to make the image file of OS partition
世纪回首2007-01-18 17:27:43