我用的是Compaq电脑, 最近发现硬盘出现问题: 开机之后,出信息,harddrive detects imminent failure,然后在屏幕的左右下脚分别有, F1 Boot, F10 setup, 安F1 毽后,电脑才可以继续起动, 其余的就都照常了, 本人的电脑知识有限, 无法找出解决的办法! 恳请高手帮忙!!! 多谢了!
如您知道怎样解决这个问题, 请详诉!
And I have been using this computer for 3 years. Do you think it could be the battery problem? I just want to find a solution so I could avoid knocking "F1" key and start my computer directly. Please help!!