请教~~~2003-12-16 02:00:00
我有一台server连着几台终端,当我从终端去open server file 时电脑速度会很慢,打开一个文件差不多要10秒钟,当把文件复制到本机上打开就很快扫过毒但还是一样慢。没辙!请网友帮帮忙啦!

那不叫终端2003-12-16 02:03:00
that's normal. File too big.
only20-30k2003-12-16 02:09:00
是microsoft word and excel file
seehow2003-12-16 02:15:00
try ftp it over
请教~~~2003-12-16 02:36:00
Idoubt2003-12-16 02:58:00
请教~~~2003-12-16 03:11:00
I using windows 2000 server
dos..2003-12-16 03:14:00
回复:I using windows 2000
请教~~~2003-12-16 03:51:00
请教~~~2003-12-16 03:55:00
回复:回复:I using windows 2000
野渡2003-12-17 02:10:00
use netmon to capture data