lilala2007-02-22 01:27:07
dell inspiron 1505 7月底购买, 2~3月之前间歇的蓝屏, 没有规律, 有的时候频繁发生,有的时候就很好. 蓝屏的时候屏幕显示:A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen apprears again; Follow these steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safemode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced options and select safemode.
Techinical information:
*** STOP: 0* 00000050 (0*F7B86820, 0*00000000,0*80545344,0*00000000)
Begin dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system adminastrator or technical support group for further assistance.
跟dell的技术支持的在线聊天,聊过, 但是每个人都不一样的说法, 一个说软件更新的问题, 一个让我查了memory, 所有test都pass. 装了个dell crash analysis tool 查出2个文件, 他们说是那两个软件导致的,但其中一个杀毒软件是是蓝屏发生很久之后装上去的,另一个我从来没有用过,是随机带的sonic什么什么的.结果第4个家伙让我restore factory setting, 晕啊 , 请高手诊断一下,给点建议吧,或者有人碰到相似的情况吗?
燕赵悲歌2007-02-22 01:32:08
SunOfBeach2007-02-22 01:34:56
lilala2007-02-22 01:38:11
SunOfBeach2007-02-22 15:25:52