sunnflower2007-02-23 16:45:26
Does anybody know how to use Excel function of Add-in : solver, analysis toolpak, and multivariate analysis ?

Millions of thanks in advance.
ppzcgg2007-02-23 16:50:24
148 bytes? small enough
sunnflower2007-02-23 17:11:08
回复:148 bytes? small enough
145242007-02-23 17:21:06
ppzcgg2007-02-23 17:21:14
回复:回复:148 bytes? small enough
sunnflower2007-02-23 17:44:25
Help in Excel ?
sunnflower2007-02-23 17:49:18
is it useful for future work ?
ppzcgg2007-02-23 18:57:06
Yeah?! Don't you have that option installed