990066-22007-03-15 01:44:55
我搞了一个iPod,在充电的时侯,有一个message "Don not disconnect"
instruction said :
If you see this message , you must eject iPod nano before disconnecting it from your computer.

它的意思是不是说,当你不要充电时,你应该先把iPOd 它与它的底部的Cable 断开( eject) ,然后再把Cable另一头 与Computer 断开 ( disconnecting), 我理解得对吗? thanks!
燕赵悲歌2007-03-15 01:58:13
My understanding
990066-22007-03-15 17:16:05
回复:My understanding
fish.fun2007-03-15 20:30:30
How do you load music to your iPod
990066-22007-03-16 14:19:42
回复:How do you load music to your iPod