april5072007-07-24 13:43:01
Anyone have web design experiences? I need some clues to solve the following problem. Thank you !

I want to add a "job opening" on the our website menu, so I went to the FTP Server and change the source code of the manu page by adding a code line. After I upload the new manu page (ascx), the webpage showed a line like this http://www.xxxxx.com/(r5iiej45yvk0bi55iygp*****ub)/Jobs.aspx. I dont know where this is from and how to get rid of this "r5iiej45yvk0bi55iygp*****ub)". When I use Macromedia Contribute to change the website, it is said the job.aspx webpage is not in the server so I cannot edit it.

Any thoughts? Thanks again!!